Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Cooky Book

My mom had this amazing Cooky Book when I was growing up. My sister and I would study this book. Not just casually look through it, but STUDY it. Oh how I wanted those painted cookies! Or the candy cane sugar cooky. Or the earthquake cooky. I would dream about this book. But I don't remember many of these cookies ever being made. We didn't lack cookies in our home. We had the usual chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin, sometimes peanut butter. But why never those fancy cookies on the cover of that book? It was always there, waiting and tempting.

One day a few years ago, I was in Costco just strolling through the aisles. I had no list, just wasting time. And there, right before my hungry eyes...THE COOKY BOOK!!! It wasn't wrapped in cellophane. It had no price, very odd for Costco. I knew I had to have that book. No matter the price, it had to be mine. My children needed that book in their lives. They needed to spend quality drool time, just like their mother. It would become an heirloom to be passed down through generations. So I took the book to the check out and the cashier tried to find a price, nothing. She called a manager, nothing. The book wasn't in their system. They thought it must have been left over from Christmas and somehow separated from the set it was packaged with. Since there was no UPC in their computers they said they would have to make up a price. I was expecting to pay around $15, maybe a little more. I didn't care! The manager asked me, "How about $1.00?" Seriously?!? $1.00??? Yay!!! My favorite book for $1.00! It was meant to be!

So now you ask, have I made any of the cookies from those bright, glossy, tempting pages? You better believe it! We made those earthquake cookies. But mostly just chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin. What if those painted cookies actually taste like cardboard and the dream is ruined? I can't do that to my children.

You can purchase your own copy of the book here or here. But you will have to pay a lot more than $1.00.


Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

I didn't want to delet it, just fix some things. So here is my original post.

I see you are talking about me again.

I havent' been on here in a long time, and now that you are updating better I'll come back more. You know I won't actually cook anything you show....OK, so maybe I will, but don't tell anyone that I know how to cook. It would ruin my image!

Oh, I think you need to send me some cookies from that book for Christmas.